Step into the future with Entry Engineering

Enter with us into a world where a modern approach to work is not just a phrase, but a way of life. Entry Engineering creates space to explore new opportunities and responds to the latest trends in HR to ensure we always keep up with the times.


We’ll kick-start your career

We bring not only job opportunities, but also long-term cooperation based on mutual trust.

Marie Knap
HR Generalist

Jitka Paickrová
HR Recruiter

Eliška Gregorová
HR Assistant

Tereza Hladíková
Back Office Manager


A personalised career path and innovation at every step

We offer not just a job, but a path that is tailored to your individual skills and ambitions. Entry Engineering is a place where we continuously learn and grow together.We encourage our employees to not only seek solutions in their daily work, but also to actively take responsibility for their career growth. We offer flexible working hours that allow our employees the flexibility to adapt their working environment to their individual needs and to optimally balance their professional and personal life.


Entry is blue, but we think green

The environment is important to us and we are respectful of it. This means, among other things, that we sort our waste, don’t waste and put out the lights behind us.

Seize the opportunity

Look for solutions and use common sense

Take responsibility

Share and learn from others

First steps in Entry


Sign the necessary documents such as the contract and handover protocols


You get to know the company and the company culture


You will be introduced to the organizational structure


We will show you the systems we use


You take possession of the necessary equipment, hardware, keys and chips

We will introduce you to your colleagues

See the offices, meeting rooms and kitchen

You'll get a desk


We're not playing games

We don’t care about titles or bowing. Unless we’re meeting with a customer, we wear what we feel comfortable in to work. If you can’t walk out the door without a tie, that’s fine, but you might as well wear a t-shirt and jeans. As long as you come to work clean and smelling good, clothes don’t matter!

You keep your own attendance

You keep track of the time you spend on what you do and then report it to a specific task in the project. Flexible working hours are a reality, so it depends on how you and your manager get on. It’s vital to report on an ongoing basis and work through task statuses.

We don't bite

We are all friendly and helpful to each other. We don’t need to cure our egos. Of course you get regular feedback on your work, but it’s not stressful.

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We are glad that you want to become part of our team and wish you good luck and success.

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